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"a man is a success if he gets up in the morning ,goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do" Bob Dylan.

Sunday, 24 January 2010


Saturday...I work for a while and then get home. The sun is making a show for the first time in about a month and there is blue sky. Time to get out the bike . The air is crisp, as i finally make it to my favourite place.Im out of breath. No exercise while the snow has been deep. That much snow is a rare thing here these days! The woods are alive ! Birds are singing. Breath ,breath deep. The sun has just enough warmth to touch the skin. The trees feel as though they sense something in the atmosphere. It is magical. The snow has melted revealing a carpet of leaves from Autumn. Its a gift to just sit and enjoy the silence.
Thomas Moore writes " Trees provide a rudimentary lesson in enchantment....We can sit on a tree's limb,rest against its trunk, enjoy it's fruit and nuts, sit under its shade and watch it dance in the wind. There are moments in everyones life when a tree....would be the most effective therapy" ( Re-enchantment of Everyday Life".
A beech tree still has some of last years foliage clinging on the the branches..they rustle in the breeze and welcome me as I lean against the trunk .I sense the roots deep in the earth and gaze upwards at the branches as they reach for the sky. Is that a sense of my own mortality gently nudging my psyche......

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