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"a man is a success if he gets up in the morning ,goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do" Bob Dylan.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

lost and found?

Spent the day preparing for a private viewing ! I found some  goodies from a few years ago!

Some recent works,,,

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Still Ploughing..............

Saturday/Sunday....Cup of tea in hand I pop up to the loft to do a tidy up after the last few weeks of manic activity.Empty tubes ,brushes to clean ,you know the score. Stick "Radio Tisdas Sessions" on . Those Desert Blues lighten up the dull miserable Derbyshire day and I remember those blue blue skies and ancient mountains, the evening call to prayer, fresh orange juice and omelette , sunshine.                                                                                                                       There is a prepared canvas about 3' x 3' propped up in the corner just waiting....I really shouldn't.....its a tidying day.............
But I cant help it...............

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Hand to the plough.

With Tinariwen  blasting out of the hi-fi inspiration envelopes me . Work cant finish quickly enough . I need to paint , to get these images out of my head and on to the canvas . Food can wait until the moment passes . The rush is heady and all consuming , nothing else seems to matter until I am spent and have given birth . All Passions Spent !
"Desert Blues Again"
But it does not stop here . More images bursting from my psyche tumble into my mind and out onto the canvas demanding to be given life....more colour , more shapes, more ideas. In the back of my mind I know this wave of creativity will pass but right now RIDE THE WAVE...
"Voices of Marrakech"
There is a magical moment when the house lighting circuit fuses and I am in the dark in the loft studio. Tinariwen are still playing and as my eyes become accustomed to the dark I see the stars through the roof light. For a few moments I could have been in the desert not Derbyshire!  Orion and her surrounding daughters are in the night sky peeking in on my work. Orion was high in the sky when we were in Marrakech keeping a protecting eye on us!
Listen to those Desert Blues - so infectious , so alive , so groovy...........I cant stop my foot tapping !

Phew.  Morocco thank you........